Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Vodka Pong

This one takes some explaining. "Vodka Pong" is Katie's up-the-stakes adaptation of an American College drinking game known as Beer Pong or "Beirut". Two teams stand at either end of a table and attempt to throw a table-tennis ball into one of the opposition's goals, a triangle of cups with a small amount beer in each one. If successful the other team has to drink the contents of that cup. As drinking games go it's kinda shit, especially if you're a distinctly cack-handed basketball-player like me. If that's the case, instead of being a crrrrrazy rapid route to drunkenness it becomes a somewhat tedious trip towards sobriety. Appreciating this, and also looking to prove to the Yanks what a hardcore boozer she is, Katie thought the thing to do was substitute piss-weak American lager for something slightly stronger. Muuuuuch better.....

1 comment:

kob said...

This is very helpful for spreading the word on this game.