Monday, October 16, 2006

Chocolate HobNobs vs. Chocolate Digestives

I cannot believe there's even two sides to this debate but apparently some prefer the salty, pussy-ass biscuit against the oaty, wheaty knobbly, tea-killing man cruncher. Insane (in the membrane).

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Twat

House party in the Hove area last night. All very nice; far more enjoyable than I had anticipated; stole some beers for the walk home.

I found myself in conversation with a nameless individual (actually, he did have a name - who doesn't have name? I ask you! - I'm just choosing not to disclose it) and the subject came up, as it so frequently does these days, of the upcoming musical phenomenon that will be Bel Canto: Music Without Borders. In a painfully self-promoting kinda way, I tell him he should come down because "I guarantee the music's going to be great". His response: "How can you say that when music's so subjective?". SMUG SMARMY SELF-IMPORTANT BASTARD! It's not so much What he said as the way he said it: As if he were the first person in the world clever enough to make such an observation. Of course music's subjective
you wanker. I'm just trying to shamelessly promote my night so why not indulge me, just for a minute and then fuck off.

Lots of things are subjective. For example, compleltely inexplicable to me is the fact that people seem to like you, although nowhere near as much as you evidently like yourself.

"I can't believe I've only known you for XXXXX"

(XXXXX being a very - relatively - short period of time obviously.)

Question: Is this something girls say to every bloke? Cos they seem to say it to me a lot.

Don't get me wrong, I like hearing it and I'm not complaining but to me it just seems a little, umm err, daft. I don't especially thing I do anything different to any other geeza to put girls at a particular level of ease in my presence but my relationships with the fairer sex, if they go anywhere at all, seem to go there in an awful hurry. From "let's just see how it goes" to "girlfriend/boyfriend" and "I miss waking up next to you" texts before Richard Hammond is even able to get cut out of his upside-down rocket car.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Nothing especially noteworthy to add today but figured I may as well update thee on Subculture bits n bobs:

Beck: Ths Information - Jez said he thought this was one of the best things I've ever written. He is wrong.

Pipettes Live: Corn Exchange

I should also let you know that Bel Canto: Music Without Borders

is officially up and returning and launches at The Gladstone on the Lewes Road on the 27th of October. That's a mere 19 days away. Please come, the music will, I promise, be amazing. Not to mention the fact thta the more people show up the better we look and the more likely this is to turn into a paid gig as opposes to one with merely a bottomless bar tab. Oh dear, I'm going to have to exercise self-restraint....... shit.